Maverick Beauty Studio

Business class beauty salon in the World Trade Center, Plaza Garden
Vystavochnaya metro station, Delovoy Tsentr metro station (1 km),
Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station (1.5 km)
Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya, d. 12
+7 (495) 967-06-11 
+7 (495) 967-06-18
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Shellac Gel and Polish Hybrid

Shellac Gel and Polish Hybrid

Shellac is a gel nail polish based on bio-gel. It looks like nail polish, but it is gel, as it needs drying in a UV lamp. This coating is very hard-wearing, because it is long-lasting, does not chip, flake or crack.

Shellac does not flake and lasts for two weeks which makes it suitable both for manicure and pedicure. Shellac pedicure lasts for up to 4-5 weeks.

Shellac coating is odorless, so it does not cause any discomfort either to a client or to a specialist. In addition, the product is completely hypoallergenic, as indicated by «3 free» marking. Also, unlike nail polish it contains no toluene, dibutyl phthalate, formaldehyde and its resins.

Shellac is easy to apply: it is used not like gel in a jar, but rather like polish in a bottle. It dries like gel in ultraviolet lamp for two minutes, which excludes its sliding off when drying.

Shellac Advantages

The main Shellac advantage is that it is easy to apply; it lasts for a long time and can be easily removed.

Another advantage of Shellac is no need to injure own nail plate during filing to which ladies get so used while building-up gel and acrylic nails.

Shellac does not include any harmful chemicals negatively affecting human health. That is why Shellac manicure will not cause any allergy or skin irritation.

Гибрид геля и лака Shellac

Shellac range of colours is vast, so one can easily create a complete image with its help. You can easily pick Shellac matching to any outfit - whether it's a classic suit or an extravagant combination of non-standard wardrobe items. Shellac coating can be applied both to hands and feet creating perfect manicure and pedicure.

Shellac dries fast. This helps to save time and avoid sloppy lines, like those that can occur because of long-drying polish.

Shellac Manicure looks natural like polish coating, without any heaviness typical for nails building-up and their strengthening by gel.

Shellac Disadvantages

Shellac disadvantages during its use are minimal. It’s inconvenient to make Shellac manicure at home. Shellac drying and curing is possible with the use of a professional UV lamp only. This point does not allow calling the procedure an "at-home" one, as it includes visits to beauty salon. However, professional investments in your own beauty have never been waste or superfluous.

How to Remove Shellac

Shellac coating does not require filing to remove the material. It is removed in just 10 minutes by "soaking" using means for artificial nails removal. Coating "breaks into crumbs" which can be easily removed using the orange stick.

Гибрид геля и лака Shellac